You have a new small offset and you would like to fuel it and get a nice smoke flavor to your meal.
I think the easiest way to learn on an offset is to start with charcoal in the side box. Build a small fire that will burn easily and keep a steady temp in the cooking chamber. I think the Minion method is a good starting point. Regarless, you want to start with a fire in the center of the firebox and drag charcoal toward the center as it burns down. With the fuel source the first thing you are trying to achieve is a nice steady chamber temp in the 220 to 240 range. Once you achieve that you can look at adding flavoring wood to the cooking fire. Maybe some mesquite ships or apple chips, something you can buy at a local big box store. Add a handful at a time, kind of sprinkled out over your hot coals. No need to wet them, you want them to burn and give you a nice clean, clear smoke. Remember, when you are learning, keeping a good cooking chamber temp is the most important thing. Good charcoal will give you good flavor.
When you get comfortable with controlling your flame you can replace some of the charcoal fuel with wood chunks. They are cheaper then chips and if done properly burn slow and add good flavor. I like pecan, because we have so much of it down here and it is just another form of hickory anyway.
Many of us use charcoal and wood chips in our small offsets all the time but with practice you can go to using small wood splits, about the diameter of a beer can or smaller and maybe 10 to 12 inches long.
Did I say the most difficult thing to master in a small offset is temperature control in the smoking chamber?
When you ;move to a larger, heavier offset like the Langs or Bubba Smokers you can use larger pieces of wood and pay less attention to the chamber temps because the smokers have so much steel they hold temps pretty steady, not a trait of the smaller offsets.
Start with charcoal and wood chips, they burn easy, smoothly and consistently
Good Luck and let us know how it goes