Joke Section

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Mar 22, 2008
We are getting complaints about the Joke Section having stuff that is not family friendly. I know some of you hate these threads and talking about the Rules but the Rules state that stuff has to be family friendly. Jeff wants things kept family friendly so if your child or grandchild happens to be on your lap or looking over your shoulder or whatever and you are on this site they are not going to see things that are adult orientated. Again this isn't a new rule.
I agree totally with it being kept family friendly! But I do have a question since it has been said here now...about the religion side of the comment made. There was also another post where it was mentioned about keeping politics and religion out. What does that entail? Not talking politics, only the religion part. Does that mean if someone posts about losing a loved one or one being very sick or gonna have major surgery that we shouldn't be saying we will pray for them? So a little more explanation on that part would be appreciated.

Wow.. some on this site are a little soft and must be light in the loafers. I haven’t encountered anything even close to inappropriate. Wouldn’t want to hurt any feelers so we must hand out participation ribbons and be policed to the 9’s. look what is happening in the world right now and your biggest concern is being worried about a cartoon in the joke section? Some of us need to grow up and really put things into perspective. Smoking meat is our passion but world events do have an affect on that. Just look at meat prices.
Wow.. some on this site are a little soft and must be light in the loafers. I haven’t encountered anything even close to inappropriate.
For most adults, no, but you have to remember that some may be viewing the forum where children might be present, and some adults would rather not see a lot of the stuff in that section. Sure, they don't have to look, but does it really need to be there in the first place?
Where do you draw the line? I agree that blatant nudity, racism, sexism, profanity, etc.. are inappropriate and should be treated as such. But something barely not even on the edge? I would say don’t look if you think that will make you uncomfortable. Why ruin it for the rest because you think it’s a little iffy.
Where do you draw the line? I agree that blatant nudity, racism, sexism, profanity, etc.. are inappropriate and should be treated as such. But something barely not even on the edge? I would say don’t look if you think that will make you uncomfortable. Why ruin it for the rest because you think it’s a little iffy.
And there it is,,,,,,,,
Why in the world would any world view really need to be posted here on these forums? A plethora of sites on the webs to read politics or opinions on them. This place is just for food related conversation with a little personal added in, but once you add politics or religion you start dividing people. I don’t care your politics or religion when talking food,,,, it matters not. Food tastes the same either side.

Im glad you landed here, on one of the best smoking, curing meat forums on the webs. You might learn a thing or two that will bump your cooking game, but no politics or religion will make a recipe better or worse. Just no need to go there.
Where do you draw the line?

It isn't where I draw it, it's where Jeff and the admins decide to draw it. I don't always agree with their decisions, but they have the right to make them as they see fit. Besides all that, this site is about learning and sharing BBQ and curing, there are plenty of places on the net to go for jokes and entertainment.
take my ball and go home every time i disagree with something isn’t a value that I was raised with but to each their own. I don’t think this site needs to be all about politics or a gaggle of jokes. However, current world events have a huge impact on everything from the supply chain, to prices, to too much white smoke and not enough TBS ruining our ozone. Just think it would be nice for paying members to be able to freely discuss these items as well as long as they aren’t doing it in a blatantly disrespectful way. Maybe this is just a dream and will not ever be an option.
You're paying to not have to see ads, it doesn't imply any rights as to what content you may or may not post.
Hmmmm spamming someone with ads until they either pay up or quit doesn’t seem like a noble way to build a happy community. I would prefer if they called them “ SMF Premier Members “ and gave them a chance to discuss ALL things smoking meat.
I agree totally with it being kept family friendly! But I do have a question since it has been said here now...about the religion side of the comment made. There was also another post where it was mentioned about keeping politics and religion out. What does that entail? Not talking politics, only the religion part. Does that mean if someone posts about losing a loved one or one being very sick or gonna have major surgery that we shouldn't be saying we will pray for them? So a little more explanation on that part would be appreciated.


Ryan what I have always taken the rule to mean is we're not going to debate different religions, or talk about what one should or shouldn't believe in that type thing.
Offering a prayer for someone is just fine and probably appreciated by those being prayed for.
Ryan what I have always taken the rule to mean is we're not going to debate different religions, or talk about what one should or shouldn't believe in that type thing.
Offering a prayer for someone is just fine and probably appreciated by those being prayed for.
Thank you for clarifying that. I appreciate it. I don't care if anyone believes or doesn't...makes me no difference either way.

Wow.. some on this site are a little soft and must be light in the loafers. I haven’t encountered anything even close to inappropriate. Wouldn’t want to hurt any feelers so we must hand out participation ribbons and be policed to the 9’s. look what is happening in the world right now and your biggest concern is being worried about a cartoon in the joke section? Some of us need to grow up and really put things into perspective. Smoking meat is our passion but world events do have an affect on that. Just look at meat prices.

Tulsa Jeff owns this site and therefore makes the rules. Staff are here to help him with many tasks and one of those is enforcing the Rules when needed.
As for what's going on in our world some of our members come here to not think of that sort of thing for a little while and not have to read about it.
As for the ads I'm sure if you want to pay what it costs to maintain this site Jeff would be happy to take your money and turn off the ads.
The rules are the same rules as they were when you joined the site.
So Jerry, I totally agree with you and Jeff and all what you all do as staff and moderators! I feel you all do a good job with little to no thanks! I will say thank you! Once again, I'm sure you all don't hear that often enough.
But...and yes, there is a but, or since it's a smoking meat forum maybe I should sat butt! Lol. My kids are 29 and 22...when they were young I or we ( my wife included) spent quality time with our kids. They may complain about things they deem as offensive to the kids or grandkids as they are spending time on a website. But, maybe that's why we didn't have all these issues when my kids were little, because we didn't raise our kids looking at a computer.

Ryan mine is older than yours and wasn't really raised around the computer. When she was in high school we had a couple and she did use one for school work sometimes. I had retired before my last grand daughter was born and I took care of her while mommy, daddy and grandma worked so she was a pop pop girl if I was on the computer she was on my lap, lay down to take a nap or watch tv she was right there, she was my shadow.
I post a lot of jokes on the forum for years now, have a never-ending supply of new ones, try not to post repeats. There's never any F-bombs and seems some folks get a little enjoyment from them , I've only been called on the carpet once over the years, a couple got deleted, no biggee. Jokes, or anything else on this forum, aren't going to be geared to a six-year old mentality, we're pretty much all adults here. I feel the mods do a good job, if someone doesn't like the jokes no one is forcing them to read 'em, go on to the next post if it might be one that interests you. The last couple of years haven't just rolled over for a lot of folks, a little humor never hurt anybody. RAY
For most adults, no, but you have to remember that some may be viewing the forum where children might be present, and some adults would rather not see a lot of the stuff in that section. Sure, they don't have to look, but does it really need to be there in the first place?
Simple solution, post PG13 in the title, then mommy or daddy won't have to open the thread or worry about scaring little Brandon or Karen for life. Question why is mommy or daddy letting little precious surf the web without adult supervision if they're so worried about traumatizing the little one's?

Have you watched prime-time TV lately? Or seen the multi gender bathrooms at parks/ malls/ and schools? I'm offended by those far more than a racey cartoon or meme.

This site has gone to $h!t ever since money became the driving factor.
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