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Down side is you have to hit 140° IT in 4 hours if it's been deboned, if cooking whole. I'd take that deal and grind for sausage.
Not unless it has been injected
I just watch and wait . Made a run this morning .
Most were dated to sell by 7/25 ( today ) . I found 3 that are 8/2 . So that gives some time to deal with it , and also thaw time if I freeze today . The case was full , so the dates and a full case tell me people weren't buying at the higher price . That drives it down over time .
I'll watch for the new shipment and see what that price is and play it from there .
It's a shitty deal , but there's a way to play it to your favor .

3 butts and a beef knuckle in the first pick . Knuckle was $4.79 a lb . Not a bad price , but about the limit on that for me . They haven't had any in a couple months , so I grabbed it . Date is 8/23 . So I'll check back for a price drop at that time .
i wish i lived where you live
Good and bad to everywhere . Missouri is in the top 5 for pork production , so that may help the pricing .
It all cycles . Just have to be informed and watch what it does . Pork and beef rise and fall opposite of each other around here .

Brisket was $3.49 and bone in butts were $1.99 a couple weeks ago .
Today a whole packer was $4.99 and these were down to $1.59 . Some of that is because the pork is at date and they need to get rid of it .

I go in person weekly to check pricing and sell by dates . That gives me an idea of which way things are going , and when the prices might fall .
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Deboned and rolled , puts the outside on the inside and needs to be treated as non intact.
Or de-boned. De-boning also introduces bacteria into the internal muscle.
splitting a butt does not inject the interior muscle, your just making 2 smaller whole butts.
splitting a butt does not inject the interior muscle, your just making 2 smaller whole butts.
A de-boned butt is still in one piece, not splitting it in half. You just do some knifework to remove the bone (which introduces surface bacteria into the internal parts of the muscle, but whatever, we will agree to disagree in how a deboned butt should be treated.
If you debone and roll , it needs to be cooked to 140 degrees in under 4 hours , and should be taken to at least 165 .
If you debone and butterfly , or split in 2 it can be smoked cooked low and slow .
Rolling back up puts the outside on the inside .
Both of you are smart , great addition to the forum . Just noting that because I think there is some confusion in the method .
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