Let me help you bump it up another notch there partner. Carne Molida (hamburger) is no way to make real chili. I will call it by it's Spanish name because we are talking about chorizo. As a Texican by birth and pride....Chili needs to be made with real chunks of beef. Smoke a chuckie then cut into cubes or chunks and add it to the chorizo in your chili pot. Make your salsa as was suggested and use black beans for the bean portion. Black Beans are incredibly good for you, and honestly....just freakin taste good. I have won a hand full of chili cook offs with these basics ( of course a couple kickers here and there thrown in...but that's for you to figure out as to what works for you) Real Beef, Black Beans, Chorizo, Smoked or grilled cebollas (onions), grilled tomatillos and chilis, and don't forget to grill your tomatoes before adding them in. That right there is the way to start a kick azz pot of chili!!
Depending on how hot the chilis are you are adding, I have tempered mine with two tablespoons of local honey and a bottle of beer to keep the liquid ratio where you want it....all kinds of ways to juice it up a bit.
Good luck.