Boned out the birds today, and have them soaking to draw the blood and to give me another day to make up my mind what to do.
I have it seperated into thigh meat ( deboned) and breast meat with the tenderloin removed.
I think I will cure the tenderloins and smoke them slow and cold.
The thigh meat I will mince and make into a cold then hot smoked sausage with a mix of beef and pork, I'll hang these to dry a few days ......maybe a week as we have 60 % RH here at the moment and temps in the day time are around 65F.
The reason I chose a sausage rather than a Salami size is that this will be a trial run and I havent done a full on salami type yet, so a sausage size will dry off sooner and I hope if its a successfull flavour I will get a whole bunch of birds (from paid driven shoots english style) before the season closes and make good bunch of Salami before winter ends.
Still weighing up what to do with the breast meat, may even just crumb and shallow fry conventionally or put it in with the tenderloins.
The sausage will be done to a summer sausage / thuringer style, 10% beef, 20% pork, 70%pheasant