Good suggestions...I won't be making any changes right now because it's working and I don't want to mess with that. Temperature and humidity are stable now, so why mess with a good thing? Here is the one MAJOR suggestion that I will make: Get a humidifier that doesn't have a push-button on/off switch. The problem I found with my original model is that I had to press a button to turn it on, and it created humidity until the external controller turned it off by cutting off the electricity. Then, when the humidity eventually dropped, the external controller would let the electricity flow again, but the humidifier needed to have the button pushed again to turn it on. I tried various ways of taping it down with mixed results. After enough times of going downstairs to check on it only to see that the tape job had failed and the humidifier wasn't working, I went out and bought a new unit that had a permanent switch to turn it on. So, as electricity is cut off and resupplied, the unit is always in the "on" position and will start working again.
Otherwise, keep the suggestions coming! Let others benefit from your knowledge!