Wiki How to Post a New Thread

  • Some of the links on this forum allow SMF, at no cost to you, to earn a small commission when you click through and make a purchase. Let me know if you have any questions about this.
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Click on that yellow button at the top right:

1 Click Button.png

A window will appear.. choose "Roll Call" to introduce yourself or another category that aligns with the topic of your thread:

2 Select thread.png

Input a descriptive but concise title.

The forum will suggest other topics but you can just "x" out of those if you wish:

3 Title.png

  1. Type out your post.
    Tip: Use short paragraphs and leave a full space between each paragraph. This makes it a LOT easier to read.

  2. Click on "Preview" in the top right corner when you're ready to see how it will look.

  3. Pay attention to the options.
    - Watch this thread: lets the software know you want to keep tabs on the threads. You'll be able to see all of your "watched" threads in a single listing using the links at the top of the forum.
    - Receive email notifications: tells the software whether you want to get an email when someone replies or reacts with your thread.
    - I am an admin so you may not see some of the options that I have available.

4 Content and options.png

When everything looks good, hit that "Post Thread" button:

5 Post Thread.png is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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