Hello from So Cal

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smoking ramsfan

Original poster
Feb 4, 2017
So Cal
Smoking Ramsfan here. I'm new to smoking. I just purchased a Masterbuilt portable electric smoker. I've only turned it on to complete the seasoning process. I've never used a smoker before. The only thing I've ever smoked was salmon on a cedar plant on my grill. Gonna try to smoke a pork butt and Tri-Tip on my new smoker tomorrow. Should be interesting.
Well as I said, I used my new Masterbuilt portable electric smoker for the first time with actual meat inside. 2 Tri-Tips and a pork butt. The smoking took allot longer then it should have. About 5 hours. The first thing I learned about my smoker is how important if is not to forget the all important pre-heating. It took forever and never really got up to temp (225°) it got to about 200 and just hung there.

I finally took everything out and let it go empty for a bit and that seemed to do the trick.

Today I'll run it up again empty and seem how it goes. I may gave a bad power transformer. I hope not. Its warrenty though so that's good.

More to come
Hello and welcome to SMF from the Great white North  
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