GOSM Runs Hot...Thinking of Adding Vent(?)

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Fire Starter
Original poster
Jul 7, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Need some opinions please...

I've got a GOSM 3405BGW that runs hot. The lowest temp I'm able to achieve under any scenerio is around 275-285 degrees. I've read the instructions thoroughly and consulted w/ the manufacturer.

The 1st CFM customer service rep said that the regulator was bad & they'd send another. They didn't, so I called back and got a guy who said:

1.) The 1st person I spoke w/ is "new" and is "wrong"
2.) "275 is the lowest temperature one can hope to achieve w/ this unit"

I'm considering adding another vent in the top of the unit to help bleed off some heat in hopes that I can get it to stabilize at around 225-250.

Think it'll work?
i have the big block which has one on top and one on each side towards the bottom. Those stay open just a little bit while the top stays wide open, I can easily get just about any temp needed. Yours does need to be modified and if you do a modifications on GOSM search here, you will find how people have done it. Just be careful and good luck.
Are you measuring the temp with the stock thermo? They can be off by a great amount. I can run my GOSM as low as 175F. The "new" person is right and you should be sent a regulator.

Hope this helps.

BTW - I love your avatar.

Take care, have fun, and do good,


Check with a digital thermo. to verify the temp. Sometimes I have to turn the temp knob from high to off to get a low temp / flame for when I am smoking salmon (about 170*). But mine has been off by as much as 40* at higher temps.
My 3405BGW has been easy to control without any modification except the two thermometers I installed, one low, the other higher. The one on the door proved to be "in the ball park" but not accurate. Most of those type are off, some a good bit.
Ambient temperature will cause smoker temp. differences. If it is hot outside you will see more heat inside the smoker.
I would recommend you install at least one other thermometer on your smoker. Then, use a digital that has a probe for the meat AND a probe to measure internal smoker temp.. You may find your smoker is OK, or you may find you need a new regulator.

Add some accurate thermometers like PeculiarMike said - and I did myself.

The door thermometer on the GOSM is purely decorative and should not be trusted. It is also very possible that you got a defective regulator and I would pursue that issue until one arrives on your doorstep.


Little holes are much easier to repair than big gaping ones...
Thanks Guys. I've done some arm twisting with the "good people" at CFM and the new regulator is on the way.

I knew from reading the forums not to trust the red factory-supplied GOSM thermometer, but I'd never considered the temperaure difference between the top rack and the bottom rack. Last time I smoked I used an ET-7 (1 in the pork loin & 1 in the top of the smoker) and an oven thermometer hanging from the top rack where the meat was sitting. So I only know how hot it was at the top of the unit.

I'll install the new regulator and experiment a little 1st, but either way I'll add 2 gauges like you guys have done.

Thanks for the ideas and the pix! I'll let y'all know if the new regulator resolves the issue.

I appreciate it!
I'm sort of having the same problem. At the lowest setting I can get about 220 for the first 3-4 hours, after that I can't keep the temp below 275. I use a digital thermometer and set it to beep at 250. I have to open the door just a little bit and let it cool.

I'm looking for a way to keep the temp down, I'll let you know if I come up with something.

Cheers, Lager
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