Publisher’s Platform: Come on Roanoke, you can do better against hepatitis ABy Bill Marler on Jul 17, 2022 12:05 amThe departments have been recommending the vaccines to those in the Roanoke Valley since the rise in cases, including the exposures at Famous Anthony’s, Tuco’s, and Luigi’s. Nearly one year ago, over 50 people were sickened, at least four died and two required life-saving liver transplants after dining at Famous Anthony’s. Over 30 were hospitalized and many still... Continue Reading Barry Callebaut to restart Salmonella-hit plantBy News Desk on Jul 17, 2022 12:03 amBarry Callebaut is to resume production at its factory in Belgium that was involved in a Salmonella contamination incident beginning next month. Cleaning of the chocolate lines affected by the Salmonella-positive lecithin in the plant in Wieze, is progressing well, said the company. The first cleaned lines should restart in early August, with a gradual... Continue Reading Mostly children sick in Chinese Salmonella egg outbreakBy News Desk on Jul 17, 2022 12:01 amA Salmonella outbreak that mainly sickened children in China was caused by contaminated kitchen-made mayonnaise used in egg sandwiches, according to a study. In September 2019, the Shenzhen and Dongguan Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were notified of a large cluster of suspected gastroenteritis involving primarily children who sought medical care at hospitals in... Continue Reading |