After my prev. thread under newbie i did my first cheese, think i should of did it longer as there was a hint of smoke just not that heavy taste but i will post over there, anyways, after waking up to a blizzard here in NY i started my mes and started smoking, grabbed 2 whole chix at .89/#, brined them in salt, sugar, thyme, rosemary, pepper, worch., and red wine for about 5-6 hrs, washed padded dry and made my own rub using one of hickory rub from aldi's, white pepper and bunch of other herbs, the other one was a onion, garlic, lemon, orange pepper blend i made up, preheated the smoker to 225 and set at 275 (mine's about 10* off) set for 3 hr 25min to start until the temps are right, using a maze n hickory and occa. dumping about 8 small chips into the bin for deeper flavor, att. is pics thanks, first time but it smells great, dog is going crazy, luckily shes only 8#'s so i don't have to fight w/ her.