I picked up a 3lb Chuck Tender Roast from Wallyworld last night on sale because of Manager's special. It was a dollar off per pound at about $3/lb.
First, I used some Worcestershire and added a basic rub overnight in a plastic bag overnight. I used the same rub recipe that I use for my brisket from Big Bob Gibson's cookbook. Though, I decided to eyeball the ratios since the rub recipe is for a 9-10lb brisket.
After an overnight bath in marinade/rub:
Here it is ready to go in the smoker:
Well, after being in the smoker and reaching temps of about 150F, I started looking into the Chuck Tender Roast cuts of meat on this site... I started getting really worried as I was planning on smoking some pulled beef. I saw that many people were treating this cut more as a steak. I was already approaching well done temps for that treatment. I was thinking of how lean this cut was, got worried, and decided to pull it at 156F. This was approximately 3.5 - 4 hours in. It probably took a bit longer to get to this IT because I had to periodically check to make sure the AMNPS was going(since I started right before sunset.) I also didn't wait for the smoker to reach temp before putting the meat in.
I let it rest for 15 minutes or so then started making a couple slices.
This was from the small end. They were pretty tender, though well done slices of roast beef. They were really awesome plain, especially when dipping them back in the juices that dripped from the roast. I tried some from the thick end, and they were a bit tough on some parts. After a minute of deliberation, I figured I would go for broke. I wanted pulled beef and I was going to get it or I was going to get some wasted food.
I then foiled it and went to add some liquid. Sadly, I realized that I had no beef broth in the cupboards. They say necessity is the mother of invention, so I decided to open up a can of reduced sodium collard greens and used the liquid from that. I also added a couple splashes of Worcestershire to the mix. I then threw it in the oven at 290F.
It took quite awhile to get IT up to 200F. I pulled it from the oven after approximately 7 hours total, checking IT periodically with my thermapen. At the small end, it was 209F, and closer to the center 204F.
Here it is after resting 15 minutes, ready to pull(but a bit too hot for double layered nitrile gloves):
Here it is! This pulled very easily on the small end and decently closer to the end and thick end. I decided that in the future, I'll let IT get closer to 209-210F for pulling. It was very tender and only slightly dry.
I split the braising liquid between the bowl of greens and bowl of the beef. I then stuck them in the fridge. I think I'll be making some pulled beef & collard greens quesadillas tomorrow!
It was pretty tasty so far, but considering all the time it took and the higher price point(despite the sale price), I think I'll stick to brisket packers. It's cheaper and I think it is probably even better for pulling because of the fat content of the point.
First, I used some Worcestershire and added a basic rub overnight in a plastic bag overnight. I used the same rub recipe that I use for my brisket from Big Bob Gibson's cookbook. Though, I decided to eyeball the ratios since the rub recipe is for a 9-10lb brisket.
After an overnight bath in marinade/rub:
Here it is ready to go in the smoker:
Well, after being in the smoker and reaching temps of about 150F, I started looking into the Chuck Tender Roast cuts of meat on this site... I started getting really worried as I was planning on smoking some pulled beef. I saw that many people were treating this cut more as a steak. I was already approaching well done temps for that treatment. I was thinking of how lean this cut was, got worried, and decided to pull it at 156F. This was approximately 3.5 - 4 hours in. It probably took a bit longer to get to this IT because I had to periodically check to make sure the AMNPS was going(since I started right before sunset.) I also didn't wait for the smoker to reach temp before putting the meat in.
I let it rest for 15 minutes or so then started making a couple slices.
This was from the small end. They were pretty tender, though well done slices of roast beef. They were really awesome plain, especially when dipping them back in the juices that dripped from the roast. I tried some from the thick end, and they were a bit tough on some parts. After a minute of deliberation, I figured I would go for broke. I wanted pulled beef and I was going to get it or I was going to get some wasted food.
I then foiled it and went to add some liquid. Sadly, I realized that I had no beef broth in the cupboards. They say necessity is the mother of invention, so I decided to open up a can of reduced sodium collard greens and used the liquid from that. I also added a couple splashes of Worcestershire to the mix. I then threw it in the oven at 290F.
It took quite awhile to get IT up to 200F. I pulled it from the oven after approximately 7 hours total, checking IT periodically with my thermapen. At the small end, it was 209F, and closer to the center 204F.
Here it is after resting 15 minutes, ready to pull(but a bit too hot for double layered nitrile gloves):
Here it is! This pulled very easily on the small end and decently closer to the end and thick end. I decided that in the future, I'll let IT get closer to 209-210F for pulling. It was very tender and only slightly dry.
I split the braising liquid between the bowl of greens and bowl of the beef. I then stuck them in the fridge. I think I'll be making some pulled beef & collard greens quesadillas tomorrow!
It was pretty tasty so far, but considering all the time it took and the higher price point(despite the sale price), I think I'll stick to brisket packers. It's cheaper and I think it is probably even better for pulling because of the fat content of the point.