Smoked my 1st brisket on my new MES. Started with a rub, no fat cap trim, and let stand at room temp for about 4 hours. Prepared the smoker with using only the middle rack, filled the water pan, added an additional water pan in attempts to ensure tenderness, and preheated @ 220 then added mesquite chips. Once the smoke rolled, I added the beef and inserted a digital thermometer. About 6 hours in I reached 175. I pulled and wrapped with parchment paper and foil. 2 hours later I hit 200 IT. Given the info from this site I pulled the brisket and wrapped with towels and placed it in a room temp cooler. 2 hours later I sliced and enjoyed. It had a perfect pull to it, just enough resistance without falling apart. The only improvement I would like is a more prominant smoke ring. If anyone has tips please chime in. I am feeling a smoke addiction in the making!