Put a brisket on this morning and decided to throw 3 fatties on (first time ever) as a trial. Fatties hit smoker (MES w/ AMNS) at 2:30pm at 230 degrees. I am now approaching 5 hours and still internal is only 143 in 2 and 144 in third. Thought these were 2-3 hours normal. I made them using the 1 gal bags and 1 - 1.5 lbs meat each. Is this WAY off track for time or am I just missing something. Hate missing dinner time by so much, even though I know it is cook to temp not time.
On another note, just made first batch of Jeff's sauce and all I can say is WOW! Beats any and all sauces I have made before, and I may just stop trying to make new ones now! Thanks Jeff!!
On another note, just made first batch of Jeff's sauce and all I can say is WOW! Beats any and all sauces I have made before, and I may just stop trying to make new ones now! Thanks Jeff!!