I just bought a Smoke Hollow electric at a end of season close out. It is a very good little box but will need some tweaks
to get it smoking right. I want to install a mailbox mod using a AMPS. Are there any calculators / recommendations for
air intake and exhaust sizes? This unit is 12" x 14" x 28" , it has a very small vent pipe at the top, 1/4" at best. I was thinking
something like 1-1 1/2" diameter at the cabinet bottom and 2-3" at the top. Some quick measurements from a MES30 would give me a good reference.
Thanks in advance,
to get it smoking right. I want to install a mailbox mod using a AMPS. Are there any calculators / recommendations for
air intake and exhaust sizes? This unit is 12" x 14" x 28" , it has a very small vent pipe at the top, 1/4" at best. I was thinking
something like 1-1 1/2" diameter at the cabinet bottom and 2-3" at the top. Some quick measurements from a MES30 would give me a good reference.
Thanks in advance,