First off, I own a WSM that I absolutely love. Well the wife and I just purchased a new camper to go frolicking with the alligators on the weekends. We love to smoke meat on the weekends when we go but I just didn't want to take the chance of hauling my WSM all over the states and risk dinging up my grill. I asked around this board and a few posters told me to just purchase an ECB for those trips. I just could not bring myself to make the purchase. Well the wife comes home 3 days before we leave for our first trip and she has a gift more me, yep an ECB. I thank her like a good husband should then went into the shed thinking to myself as I am assembling the unit "what a piece of cheap crap this is". I then season the unit and hide it in a corner so my friends don't see it and make fun of me. Here comes the weekend and she has 2 slabs of baby back ribs. I hide the ECB under a blanket, load up and off we go. Saturday morning at around 11:30 a.m. I sneak the ECB behind the camper so no one will see me or the mistake I am about to make. I knew it would go bad because I didn't make one modification to the unit except use my remote thermometer. I load the charcoal bowl to the rim and add a few pieces of pecan, I then use the minion method, add the water bowl full of water, let the unit heat up a bit, then I add the ribs. Ahhh, miller time. I get ready to try to make adjustments but not having any vents or anything to adjust I just stare at the ECB and make faces at it every so often. After about an hour I decide to look at the temp gage and cuss and fuss about how bad this unit really is.... 225 degrees, I'm thinking "huh thatâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s pretty cool, guess it will ramp up and burn my ribs to a crisp". Second hour I look at the temp.... 226 degrees, huh, now I am surprised. Using the 321 method, 6 hours later the temp is.... 227, I was totally amazed. The ribs were perfect and I didn't have to touch a thing, almost made me feel useless. The unit does burn charcoal faster than the WSM, way faster, but hey, it serves its purpose and the unit amazed me. Once again, I have made no mods to the unit. I just assembled, seasoned, then cooked. Just wanted to let yall know that if you have reservations about buying a $25 dollar smoker, DIVE IN THE SMOKE!!