I dry my pellets by warming them in the microwave 30 seconds or so. They don't need to be hot, just warm to the touch is plenty.
Then I move them to my chamber vacuum sealer and run them through a cycle. Blammo, all the water vaporizes out of them! A suction-type sealer should work too, just not quite as well because it doesn't draw as hard a vacuum.
Works great, and I no longer have any trouble getting them to stay lit.
I dry my pellets by warming them in the microwave 30 seconds or so. They don't need to be hot, just warm to the touch is plenty.
Then I move them to my chamber vacuum sealer and run them through a cycle. Blammo, all the water vaporizes out of them! A suction-type sealer should work too, just not quite as well because it doesn't draw as hard a vacuum.
Works great, and I no longer have any trouble getting them to stay lit.