Donairs is what we call them, Yero, or Gyro by other areas ( plus Dessert )

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I had a summer job working around the Bedford Basin in 1979. I wandered into a restaurant looking for my normal burger and the counter guy convinced me to try a Donair. I was hooked!
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Around here in Maryland we have the Gyro (correctly pronounced "Yeeroh") and it is one of my favorite foods. I think our version is a little bit simpler than the one in the OP. The best was at a Greek owned place in College Park but they sold out fairly recently and it's not quite as good now. There is a fast food type of Greek place a few miles away and the Gyros there are horrible. So I learned to make them at home. It used to be very difficult to acquire all the needed ingredients but they've become much more easily available the last ten years. Definitely gotta go 50-50 beef lamb. Finding the right pita is key. I like mine with plenty of tzatziki sauce.

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What an incredible story and great food!

Thank you Kim for the like and the comment

It is a very nice story and brings back a lot of memories when I was just a kid, and a very popular food back than and now still .

It was fun to build and make them after so long, And one of my wifes favorite fast foods

Thanks for the like and the comment

It is a major food group here in the Metro area for the late night down town drinkers after the Pubs and bars shut down.

When we used to put a sale on they would literally be lined up down the street for hours , but they came through very fast. we had 4 big spits going with the 30 pound loaf on each one . Boy I hated those sale days. lol

Definitely gotta go 50-50 beef lamb.

Peter the owner tried many versions of the meat when he started, just lamb, than different percentages of lamb and beef, ended up just beef as that is what 99 % of the people wanted. 18/82 mix is what he really like to get from the meat shops,

we still pick one up for lovie once in a while , but much better when I make at home

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I just make gyros for my wife and I - she pretty much insists on lamb in the meat. And that's how they made them at Marathon Deli in College Park. The lamb adds a certain authenticity. However, I use ground lamb and ground beef - too difficult to do the spit thing at home for two people. I will brown the ground beef and throw out the fat, then brown the ground lamb and keep the fat. Add the Mediterranean spices. Fairly simple and delicious. The Tzatziki is more work, but they sell it pre made in the stores now and it's pretty good! The pita is Kontos which is the same they used at the Greek family deli and now they sell it right in the grocery! Life is good.

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zwiller zwiller , for both likes .

That is something I will have to make again soon.
And that will please Mona

Not sure how I missed this but totally trying this. THANKS for sharing the recipe. Love it on so many levels. Already got er converted to 1lbs. Doner/donair/gyro don't care what it's called.
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I use ground lamb and ground beef - too difficult to do the spit thing at home for two people.

I also just make it for home and the 2 of us. I use the ground meat and add all my spices ,and pound into a loaf ( meatloaf if you will) .
Than I just bake it and than when done it has more of a roast texture and I can slice very thin like the restaurants do.

We have a bakery here that has been here for 40-50 years and they make the Pita Bread, and sold also in all the stores .
" Fancy Lebanese Bakery "

The sauce around here is Donair Sauce as the Tzatziki sauce was like the Lamb, not that big of a ask for. Some shops say that they have it but its not like the real thing. We used to make it with real ground cukes and yogurt etc.
But the Donair sauce is King around here :emoji_sunglasses:

Its all good , different locals like it their way and that is how it is with everything :emoji_yum::emoji_yum:

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Not sure how I missed this but totally trying this. THANKS for sharing the recipe. Love it on so many levels. Already got er converted to 1lbs. Doner/donair/gyro don't care what it's called.

Yes it is easy to break down to what ever size loaf you want to make.
And very tasty no matter what name you use, lol

Hope you enjoy

No, I lived in Ont but moved to Waverley to work for my uncle.

The first Donair I ever had was also in the shop in Bedford at Velo's ( I think that is how they spelt it .
It was the guy I worked for Peter and his brother a couple years before I ever met him. I was not sure what to think on my first one.

Are you still in Waverly or back in Ontario ? just being nosie

The first Donair I ever had was also in the shop in Bedford at Velo's ( I think that is how they spelt it .
It was the guy I worked for Peter and his brother a couple years before I ever met him. I was not sure what to think on my first one.

Are you still in Waverly or back in Ontario ? just being nosie

I'm in Alberta.

Thanks for the recipe; we are making Donairs this weekend.
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I'm in Alberta.

Thanks for the recipe; we are making Donairs this weekend.

My son was in Red Deer for a few years , now back in Vancouver.
He asked for the recipe as he cannot find any real good down east Donairs out that way.
He makes it quite often and feeds his friends , all happy with it

Enjoy and post it up if you make it :emoji_sunglasses: :emoji_sunglasses:

I'm glad that this thread got bumped back from the past....I missed it first go around. Excellent work David! The donairs look great as well as the dessert!

Thanks Keith for the love and the comment

Yes I am glad it got bumped back up also, good memories all round.
Very nice of you to say, thanks
And now Mona wants Donairs again soon

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