Our house likes Costco over Sam's but depending on what you are buying either one could be the best deal. We're not going to try to shop them both so we do Costco, we find it cleaner, better stocked, usually better quality and the people more helpful ...... but that's just us in our area. Now, Restaurant Depot ......... nothing like Costco and Sam's, it's a commercial market, not even something you can compare to Costco or Sam's. You gotta love a place where you can walk around in a cooler surrounded by literally tons of meat. For the month of April ......
Pork Loins $2.44/lb case price, $2.64/lb piece price
Pork Butts $1.79/lb case price, $1.94/lb piece price
Black Angus Whole Ribeyes $6.79/lb case price, $6.99/lb piece price