I was just wondering how everyone else smokes. For starters, I use lump charcoal and pecan wood. I use my charcoal starter to pour one full load of unlit coal in my firebox, then I pour one full load of glowing coal on top of the unlit coal. I add two pieces of split pecan on top. After 30 minutes or so, shes sitting at 250. I add one scoop of unlit coal every hour along with a piece of wood. I can hold the temp there for 10 hours(that was my longest try so far) with minimal effort. I dont look at my smoker at all in between adding any more. I have already changed my temp gauges thinking they were bad, but they werent. I want to smoke with 100% wood now cause Im tired of having to buy lump charcoal. Im afraid of my food being too smokey, but I dont want to pre-burn my wood. How do you 100% wood burners do it?