The question in my OP was really too broad. As
has found, there's a lot of " varieties " of beef ribs.
They can be .....
Beef back ribs
Chuck ribs
Plate ribs
And short ribs can describe about anything.
Not to mention flaken cut ribs.
There's the Institutional Meat Purchase Specifications known as IMPS and they've numbered all the cuts.
As to beef ribs, there's IMPS #130 Chuck Rib, which is cut from above the brisket and below the chuck.
And there's the IMPS #123 plate rib that is cut from below the rib eye.
Its even more confusing, from what I can tell, there's 3 and 4 bone racks of each. But I've only seen chuck ribs in 4 bone racks.
And I've only seen pics of the 3 bone racks and they all appear to me to be the plate ribs from below the ribeye. They're larger, longer, more meatier.
A few years ago I asked the butcher at my local grocer if I could get a rack of beef ribs. He questioned why, he said they take cut those racks into short ribs, wrap them in cellophane, and sell them in the meat section. They're cut into approx 3" squares. They call that short ribs.
And it further confuses.
I recently bought some " short ribs " and I butterflied them to make one long strip that's about 1/4" thick, and I grilled them to make taco meat. Turned out pretty good.
But there has to be a lot of flavor diff between chuck and plate ribs. The diff between the chuck/brisket and the ribeye.
I think that's where beef ribs are sometimes called " brisket on a stick " , those are the chuck ribs. And those are the ones I smoke in the backyard. They're so similar to brisket, that I'd just as soon have the fatty brisket.
They can be .....
Beef back ribs
Chuck ribs
Plate ribs
And short ribs can describe about anything.
Not to mention flaken cut ribs.
There's the Institutional Meat Purchase Specifications known as IMPS and they've numbered all the cuts.
As to beef ribs, there's IMPS #130 Chuck Rib, which is cut from above the brisket and below the chuck.
And there's the IMPS #123 plate rib that is cut from below the rib eye.
Its even more confusing, from what I can tell, there's 3 and 4 bone racks of each. But I've only seen chuck ribs in 4 bone racks.
And I've only seen pics of the 3 bone racks and they all appear to me to be the plate ribs from below the ribeye. They're larger, longer, more meatier.
A few years ago I asked the butcher at my local grocer if I could get a rack of beef ribs. He questioned why, he said they take cut those racks into short ribs, wrap them in cellophane, and sell them in the meat section. They're cut into approx 3" squares. They call that short ribs.
And it further confuses.
I recently bought some " short ribs " and I butterflied them to make one long strip that's about 1/4" thick, and I grilled them to make taco meat. Turned out pretty good.
But there has to be a lot of flavor diff between chuck and plate ribs. The diff between the chuck/brisket and the ribeye.
I think that's where beef ribs are sometimes called " brisket on a stick " , those are the chuck ribs. And those are the ones I smoke in the backyard. They're so similar to brisket, that I'd just as soon have the fatty brisket.