Boneless Turkey Breast. (Ninja)
I had to try one of these in my Ninja Smart Grill, so now is the time.
I didn’t take as many notes on this one as usual, so I’ll do the best I can.
I coated it lightly with Olive Oil, and then CBP, Onion Powder, and Garlic Powder.
I’ll just say that I used 325° in the bottom Baking Pan, set on Air Crisp, and I’ll be taking it to 170° IT.
I checked it every 15 minutes & rolled it a quarter turn, until pulling it @ 165° to carry-over to 170°.
It was very Tasty & Juicy, and the only problem I had was getting it out of the Mesh Bag.
I always have that problem:
The first time I had a terrible time getting it out of the bag. The String gets inside the meat & you gotta tear it up to get it out.
So the next time I took it out of the bag before cooking it, and it fell apart really bad, so I tied it back up with a few of my own strings.
Ever since that I just cook it, and then fight with it when it comes time to get it out of the bag.
This one was as bad if not the worst for being stuck. I had to rip little pieces of meat off with the strings.
That’s about it, except for the info I will give you in the captions above each Picture Below.
Thanks for Looking,
Boneless Turkey Breast seasoned & ready to go:
Shortly after start-up, in the Ninja:
Ready to remove from Ninja: NOTE: The Strings are mostly inside the surface of the Meat:
Sliced Turkey:
Bear's first Supper:
Close-up of Same:
Slices: NOTE: The pile at the bottom of the plate was some of what I had to fight the strings for:
Second Night Sammy with Horseradish Sauce & some Dill Pickle Relish:
Jeff's BBQ Sauce:
Horseradish Sauce with Jeff's BBQ Sauce:
Add The Turkey & Cheese:
Bear's Third Night's Supper, with Pickled Red Beets on the side: