These come in 4 different designations: 103, 107, 109, and 109E. I get the 103 sub primal rib sections from CPB. Here is one fully intact. The ribs on top of the 3rd pic are what was sent to Sven.
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The 107 cut is what's typically sent to the butcher of grocery store meat department. The ribs are cut shorter and some trimming is done to the roast prior to shipping. They will then trim it more into a 109 cut, which is more of the bones cut back and more trimming done for appearance. The 109 is what you'll see the majority of the time in the meat coolers at the grocery store. The 109E ("E" designating "Export") is trimmed even more to look pretty much spotless then packaged to be exported to other countries.
Yes, it is all prime rib, but here the designations get a little fuzzy. If all of the bones have been removed from the roast and all you have is meat then it's called "prime rib". If bones are left on the meat, it's known as a "standing rib roast". Regardless of the designation though, it's all the same meat, just called by different names and numbers.
Are you totally confused yet??