Beef "Dino" Ribs (From My Last Prime Rib Score)
These are from the last batch of Christmas sale Choice Prime Ribs I got.
I had them leave at least an inch of extra meat on the bones when they were removed, so I could have some Awesome Ribs.
I vacuum packed them as soon as I got them home, and kept them together in my meat freezer until Tuesday.
Then I thawed them out and Prepped them Wednesday, & Smoked them Thursday for Supper.
There wasn’t all that much to do, but I’ll give a little Step by Step on it to make it worthy of my “Step by Step Index” page.
Day #1 (Prepping Ribs):
Remove from Vacuum packs, Rinse, Pat Dry, apply Worcestershire “Thick”. Note: Name changed to Lea & Perrins Bold Steak Sauce".
Then coat with Sea Salt, CBP, Garlic Powder, and Onion Powder.
Wrap each piece with plastic wrap, and put in fridge over night.
Day #2 (Smoking Day):
10:00AM——————Preheat MES 40 to 230°. Also Fill 1 Row of AMNPS with Hickory Pellets, and light pellets.
10:15AM——————Unwrap Rib pieces & place all on one MES 40 Grill Rack.
10:30AM——————Put full rack of Ribs on second position in MES 40.
10:30AM——————Place smoking AMNPS on bars to the left of chip burner assembly in bottom of MES 40.
1:30 PM——————Stack all Ribs in foil pan, add Foil Mixture *, cover with Foil, and return to second position in smoker.
1:30 PM——————Remove AMNPS, and Reset Heat to 240°.
4:15 PM——————Shut MES 40 down, and remove Pan of Ribs from Smoker, and take to kitchen.
4:30 PM——————Uncover, Separate Ribs individually, plate, take pics, add sides, take pics, Sit down & Eat.
* Foil Mixture:
6 ounces of Apple Juice
2 ounces of Worcestershire “Original”.
2 ounces of Ken’s Honey Teriyaki Marinade.
Mix well——Then heat to between 150° and 200° before adding to Foil Package.
The adding of the extra 1” of meat to the bone side when trimming the bones off the Prime Ribs really paid off, because these were easily the best Ribs We’ve ever had. I can’t wait to start on the leftovers later today.
Hope You All Enjoy My Pictures.
Thanks for looking,
This is where these Ribs came from.
They are in the two outer packages, and they were trimmed off the 5 Prime Rib Roasts in the middle of the picture.
Here you can get a good look at how much meat is on these Ribs:
This is all the seasonings I used:
First a good amount of Worcestershire “Thick” on each:
Spread that Worcestershire “Thick” around real good:
Then a coating of CBP, Sea Salt, Garlic Powder, and Onion Powder:
All wrapped in plastic wrap, and put in fridge until Smoking Time:
All laid out on rack, ready for Smoker:
As we go out to the smoker, we see there’s only a little snow left on this April 2, 2015:
After 3 hours of Hickory Smoke, ready to be foiled:
Fresh out of smoker with foil removed:
Two plates of individually sliced Beef "Dino" Ribs:
Close shot of Left plate:
Close shot of Right plate:
Bear’s First Helping:
Leftovers in fridge——More to come in near future—MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmm…………..
That’s All Folks!!
These are from the last batch of Christmas sale Choice Prime Ribs I got.
I had them leave at least an inch of extra meat on the bones when they were removed, so I could have some Awesome Ribs.
I vacuum packed them as soon as I got them home, and kept them together in my meat freezer until Tuesday.
Then I thawed them out and Prepped them Wednesday, & Smoked them Thursday for Supper.
There wasn’t all that much to do, but I’ll give a little Step by Step on it to make it worthy of my “Step by Step Index” page.
Day #1 (Prepping Ribs):
Remove from Vacuum packs, Rinse, Pat Dry, apply Worcestershire “Thick”. Note: Name changed to Lea & Perrins Bold Steak Sauce".
Then coat with Sea Salt, CBP, Garlic Powder, and Onion Powder.
Wrap each piece with plastic wrap, and put in fridge over night.
Day #2 (Smoking Day):
10:00AM——————Preheat MES 40 to 230°. Also Fill 1 Row of AMNPS with Hickory Pellets, and light pellets.
10:15AM——————Unwrap Rib pieces & place all on one MES 40 Grill Rack.
10:30AM——————Put full rack of Ribs on second position in MES 40.
10:30AM——————Place smoking AMNPS on bars to the left of chip burner assembly in bottom of MES 40.
1:30 PM——————Stack all Ribs in foil pan, add Foil Mixture *, cover with Foil, and return to second position in smoker.
1:30 PM——————Remove AMNPS, and Reset Heat to 240°.
4:15 PM——————Shut MES 40 down, and remove Pan of Ribs from Smoker, and take to kitchen.
4:30 PM——————Uncover, Separate Ribs individually, plate, take pics, add sides, take pics, Sit down & Eat.
* Foil Mixture:
6 ounces of Apple Juice
2 ounces of Worcestershire “Original”.
2 ounces of Ken’s Honey Teriyaki Marinade.
Mix well——Then heat to between 150° and 200° before adding to Foil Package.
The adding of the extra 1” of meat to the bone side when trimming the bones off the Prime Ribs really paid off, because these were easily the best Ribs We’ve ever had. I can’t wait to start on the leftovers later today.
Hope You All Enjoy My Pictures.
Thanks for looking,
This is where these Ribs came from.
They are in the two outer packages, and they were trimmed off the 5 Prime Rib Roasts in the middle of the picture.
Here you can get a good look at how much meat is on these Ribs:
This is all the seasonings I used:
First a good amount of Worcestershire “Thick” on each:
Spread that Worcestershire “Thick” around real good:
Then a coating of CBP, Sea Salt, Garlic Powder, and Onion Powder:
All wrapped in plastic wrap, and put in fridge until Smoking Time:
All laid out on rack, ready for Smoker:
As we go out to the smoker, we see there’s only a little snow left on this April 2, 2015:
After 3 hours of Hickory Smoke, ready to be foiled:
Fresh out of smoker with foil removed:
Two plates of individually sliced Beef "Dino" Ribs:
Close shot of Left plate:
Close shot of Right plate:
Bear’s First Helping:
Leftovers in fridge——More to come in near future—MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmm…………..
That’s All Folks!!
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