Beef Belly Bacon

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Epic Pitmaster
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Nov 26, 2019
Ridgetop TN🇺🇸
Howdy fellas and non fellas. Finished up my beef bacon today. Turned out great so wanted to post.

Started off with a almost 11lb slab of Certified piedmontese beef belly.

Cured it with....
.25% cure #1
1.5% sea salt
.75% brown sugar

Lightly vac sealed to the cure can move around but most oxygen in gone. Into the fridge for 14 days

After 14 days placed uncovered on racks to form a pellicle for a couple days

After pellicle I cold smoked with hickory 6hrs a day for 2 days. Total smoke 12 hours. Here's a few action shots.........

Then into the fridge for 4 days uncovered to let the flavors equalize and dry a bit more

Fished slicing a little bit ago. 11in bacon about the thickness of wrights bacon

Sliced up some bacon ends and saved a couple stumps for seasoning pieces

Got it all vac sealed. Nice haul of beef bacon. Emily fried up a couple pieces. Forgot a pic but acted exactly like pork bacon. Very delicious! Thanks for stopping by
Good grief Jake that looks incredible! Very nice work, and the extra drying time uncovered I think is absolutely key to fantastic bacon.
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Nice! you are killing me, I want to get into the curing game but that means a slicer, then a grinding and stuffing appliance. Just don't have the time to get into it...but really want too....
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