LOL. I completely forgot that all important step of packing up a few ribs and sending them out to SMF members for random double blind taste testing. I'll have to remember that next time.You forgot the last, MOST IMPORTANT STEPS!!! You're suppose to cut off about 3 or 4 ribs, vac seal them and throw them in the freezer. When they are frozen completely, pack them in an insulated box with some dry ice. Then, ship them (pre-paid naturally) to me for OFFICIAL DOMAPOI TASTING & APPROVAL. This should be done by all who smoke baby back ribs!!!
I can't be sure until I taste then but they sure look good.
Oh yeah, send the potato too!
By the way, the potato, surprisingly, was not that great. I think the smoking really toughened up the skin. Inside was pretty good, but not delicious.