Baby And The Big Rib Day

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Smoking Fanatic
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★ Lifetime Premier ★
Sep 17, 2015
So why not join in on this Saturday and cook some ribs. Had a taste for these bad boys for a while now. First is the baby back ribs. Wife enjoys these the best. I like them to but crap. This day I want to go caveman on some meat. What a better piece then some big ole spare ribs. So let's get on with the guest's. On the baby back I used a basic SPOG rub plus the left over from my normal rub that's a blend of spices. On one of the spare ribs I used my homemade rub. On the other a store bought brand Bourbon/Brown Sugar rub.
3-2-1 - 3-2-2 - etc. I say I cook them till their done ribs. Final time depends on the meat. Not time. Why rush it! So these were started the night before removing the membrane and putting on the rub. Placed in fridge over night. Late start in the morning. Fired up the stick burner and off and running.

Running temp at around 235°f.
Yeah. Been a long while since I did anything. Thanks guys for the replies.
I think we all will be doing full spares soon, cause the prices will keep rising & it will be the economical way to go. The very first thing I ever smoked was a full rack of spares, and I guess it may be the last thing too!
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