Anyone Know About Ham Radios??

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Rafter H BBQ

Epic Pitmaster
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Jun 18, 2013
S.E. Idaho
Hey all, as some of you know my MIL passed a couple months ago… so we are slowly but surely going thru things… Nicole has her good and not so good days still processing the loss!

Anyway, going thru the craft room and stumbled onto this Ham Radio. We know nothing about these, just thought maybe someone on here may be into these or know something about them…

Thanks in advance for any info, much appreciated!




From looking at the pictures it is old but I believe it only recieves and cannot transmit. I used to be into it in my early twenties and took the course to get my beginners licence but never continued on with it.
I would think it is worth a few bucks on ebay.
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Major antique when it comes to hammy receivers.What's the model and/or number?

These can date back as far as WW2.

Take a few more pics and have an antique/auction house like Bruneau and Co. take a look and give you an appraisal.
Took a few to figure out that the back comes off… I didn’t want to force anything and break it… but here’s what was clipped to the inside of the back cover!



Also, the model was stamped on the inside…

That's cool . I had one that was the floor model . Zenith Oceanic . Big fancy wooden cabinet .
Had a dial on the front that you used to tune . Pretty much turn it and see what comes through .

I'd get that cleaned up .
Sorry for the loss too . Never easy .
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Back in the day, those were known as "short wave radios", all they do is receive, no transmit. Seeing as how it probably hasn't been used in a number of years, the capacitors in them dry out and when you throw a full power load to them, they have a tendency to let the smoke out (aka blow up). If you do turn it on, just be prepared for a bang, might or might not happen.

Cool old radio. If you get it working, just string a long wire from the antenna port and you are in business
Nifty, and yes the capacitors could be dried out and will make a pop when shorted and be a little smelly, but not something that is big explosion or a ball of fire or anything like that. I would take it out to the garage or patio and plug it in to give it a try. If everything seems normal and it lights up I would give it a few minutes for the tubes to light up and start doing their thing while you are stringing out the longest piece of wire you can find and attach it to the antenna terminal. Anything up to 100ft will work, getting it up as high as you can will help also. Just roll the dial around the different bands and see what you can hear. The 7mhz band in the evenings will give you a combination of world wide short wave stations and ham radio signals. Iffen it pops a capacitor or two, you can use it for a neat mantle piece, or it will still go for a nice price on e-bay. If you can find a local electronics hobby guy, the capacitors can easily be replaced with new ones. Most everything else will be ok unless you need a new dial cord (string) to turn the tuner.
Good luck and let is know how it works out.
Very Cool!
_ . _ . _ _ . _

That's about all I remember. My 6th grade science teacher was a Ham operator and we build a ham radio from scratch, put up an antenna and talked to people all over with it.
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Ham Radio, also known as Amateur Radio is a Unique hobby, been doing it 35 years or so. If we can find 12VDC we can do what we do and talk with others locally or around the world. No cell phones, no internet, just spewing electrons off our antennas to other antennas locally or around the world and them back to us. Easy to get licenses, (Learning Morse Code is no longer required. Good people to make friends with and a great family hobby for old and youngsters about 10 or so to stay connected. Visit if you are interested in knowing more or pm me and I will help.
Iffen you have a fear of plugging it in. Set it out on your driveway tuned to a local AM radio channel with the volume turned up with an extension cord. Plug the extension cord in away from it and listen for a pop, or local commercials. Ha Many of those radios are still functioning as built today. I bought a 1956 Chevrolet bell aire a couple years ago. Just running through stuff. Turned on the radio, nothing, messed with the clock, don't think it is ticking. Background, Sch, chunk, hiss. What the hell is that? I forgot the tubes needed to warm up. Yep dialed over to a local in my area am station, hey how about Bob Seager and that Old Time Rock And Roll. Just saying we are not always dead and gone till we pop and then we might be given a second life with a capacitor transplant, we could live again. You sir have a treasure in your hands that might equal the smile on your wifes face after your first date if she has any connection to that radios history. MIL might be to her what your mom might be to yours. Might be out of line here, but this could be MIL or FIL connection important to her. JMO and none of my business. Apply as appropriate. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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