Ambient temp probe placement

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Fire Starter
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Feb 3, 2013
I've had a GMG (Green Mountain Grill) for years. It's the Daniel Boone model.
I also have a Thermoworks Signals WiFi thermometer, which comes with an ambient probe thermometer.
I could never get the ambient probe to read even close to what the GMG temp is set to so I just gave up on using the Thermoworks for ambient temp (I still use the meat probes).
Well, today I have a brisket on and I need to know if the smoker fails for some reason and the ambient temp drops so, I'm at it again.
I put the ambient probe near the brisket and set the GMG to 200. The Thermoworks reads 30 - 60 degrees higher.
1. If you use ambient probes in your pellet smokers, where do you place the probe?
2. Who do I trust? The GMG or the Thermoworks.
The GMG app has a place where I can adjust the smoker's reading / setting but I hesitate to do that without some other calibration instrument.
Here's a graph from the Tworks app.
Hmm, definitely an amount of temp swing there but nothing I'd fret over. Personally I would place the TWorks amb probe a bit away vs directly next to the brisket just to not have evaporation play a part in the readings. Of course once the stall has taken place that becomes less of an issue. TWorks products are calibrated so I would stick that one. You can verify the probe accuracy using ice water and boiling water.
Place the ambient probe grate level next to the meat. Trust the thermoworks over the GMG probe, none of the manufacturers probes are accurate, sad really.
Pellet grills have the flaw of a small heat source. The grill Heat deflectors help but they are not perfect. Same problem with a wood burner but the temperature spread is a bit broader.
A well placed water pan will help a great deal.
In addition up, and down in a pit makes a big difference in temperature. Thee higher the hotter.

In my OJ's rider dlx I put a probe in that is higher in the pit than the stock one. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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