Just got done cooking some in the frying pan and it turned out pretty good I am pleased with myself but I believe I will have to remove the skin as much as I love fried skin did 8-hour slow smoke and it rested last night from midnight till this morning at 7 no nitrates are used only sea salt brown sugar and spices
don't laugh at my smoker too much it's an old Coldspot 1970 model upright freezer it works great Maslow smoke was a combination of Hickory Oak and Apple I believe next time I'll use just Hickory it's a pellet smoker and it will also do sawdust I tried wood chips but the heat got up too high inside last time. I had two pieces of hog jowl bacon and two pieces of pork belly the hog jowl bacon the texture and the overall taste was a lot better then the pork belly and comparison even though they were cured identically and smoked identically
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