Done some tweaking on my original Smoker plan. Have a few questions. To catch you up to where I’m at. I am using 2 120 Gal. vertical propane tanks 30” Diam. 46” Tall. Currently these tanks have been evacuated and now setting full of soap and water, will drain soon and refill with more soap and water before cutting. I have 4’ X 8’ X ¼” plate ready to start cutting. Also have 2 20” pieces of 1/4'” pipe on hand for use for my stacks. I am close to ready to start turning and burning, but got to have a few things clear first. Hope I’m not being too much of a nuisance here.
So on the diagram I have several points numbered, I will refer to them by their numbers. To start with, do I even need to worry about putting item #5. In place, and if I do, is the 4” pipe large enough,and would the FB need to be larger. and if not do I need to still install Item #8 Stack two? How deep into tank does Item #7, Stack one, need to be and does that depth take into the recommended overall length currently Calculated 8” diameter for a total of 10.9“ length.
On to item 1 thru 4 is this over kill? do I need the thermal insulation item # 1 between the two plates, or would just air be fine. Is the 3/16” plate #2 adequate or does it also need to be 1/4'”. Also should the Warming chamber have a direct opening from the FB for Extra heat.
Is installing the Flapper Valve Item #6 between FB And CC a good idea, and will it help regulate heat in the CC.
Thanks all, and any and all comments, advice, critiques -or +, are appreciated.