pellet grill

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  1. G

    Need some helpful hints for my next beef brisket on pellet grill

    Hey guys, I'm new to the smoking world...been grilling for years, but smoking is new to me. I recently acquired a Pit Boss Pellet 8 in 1 smoker/grill. I tried smoking a 15 lb (pre-trimmed weight) beef brisket last weekend @ 225* degrees, with some success, but I was really surprised at how...
  2. T

    Smoked turkey advice

    I was wondering if I could get some help on this subject. I have read and seen many different ways to smoke a turkey. Ok for starters I’m using a pellet grill. I did smoke a small turkey for thanksgiving and the flavor was amazing, along with it being very juicy and moist. I spatchcocked and...
  3. miaoreo

    Cold Weather Brisket on a pellet Grill

    Well after exhaustive reading and researching, I decided to do my Christmas brisket on Xmas Eve... Barring the circumstance of it not getting done in time, outside Temp has dropped to 31° with a wind chill in the 20's ... I have plenty of refrigerator space to keep it until dinner time and...