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  • Hey RyeSmoke, what are your favorite things to cook on your Genesis? What are your tried and true methods and recipes? I'm new to the grill and still figuring things out.
    Do you have a rotisserie mounted to yours? Because you can also do a pretty killer leg of lamb on it. Simple seasoning and brushed with olive oil infused with rosemary. finish it off after slicing with a herby chimmichuri sauce.
    Mainly though I use it as my every day grill because it's so convenient to just fire up and cook. Chicken wings - two favourites are a jerk wing with a heavy smoke of maple or oak ( cook indirect for the first 30mins or so on the smoke, then crank up the heat to char them a bit), or a Kansas style sweet/hot wing with a bourbon, molasses, and tabasco sauce.
    And Actually I'm a big fan of grilled brassica tops. Grill em up with a bit of char and hit them with some horseradish heavy bama white sauce. Sorry for the multiple posts. My comments are limited to 420 characters. I've got a million recipes for my genesis though so hit me up if you need any specific recipes or pointers.
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