I generally don't wrap but on occasion when there's a time constraint I'll wrap to hurry things along.
That does look tasty for sure! I think I would have been a bark monster while slicing that!! lol…. Rack of pork is a fav at our house!!!Spun a half rack in the air fryer . These are probably around 180 . Eats like roast pork . Fantastic flavor .
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I quit wrapping. before I fell into this band of enablers I just did what the internet suggested with a 3-2-1 method. It always yielded FOTB (fall off the bone)ribs, and I'm not a FOTB fan. Now I go unwrapped on my WSM at 250-275. typically 4-5 hours.What’s the verdict on wrap vs no wrap ribs? To be honest, I do not care for braised meat. Wrapping port shoulder, chuck roast, or ribs tastes like braised meat and it stands to reason since the wrap is brazing The meat. So, I would like to try no wrap ribs, but not sure the cons. What say you?
This is a sign you do not understand that basics. First off, wrapping or braising simply traps moisture which raises the temp inside. It does NOT magically trap moisture inside meat. People mistakenly think it does because most often the meat ends up swimming in liquid AFTER the meat has fully cooked/rendered. 2nd, smoking ribs (and most proteins with few exceptions) is like the exact opposite of cooking a chicken breast where OVERCOOKING is better than under. Your goal as pitmaster is to get the complete breakdown and conversion of collagen and fat (rendering) of the meat. Takes time and temps to do. While you CAN actually overcook and make ribs dry, it's actually pretty hard to do in reality. 3rd. You're flying blind unless you have a thermometer. Get an instant read on Amazon for $10. For my ribs, I am pretty close to civilsmoker and go to about 195-200F IT. Not quite FOTB but you CAN eat with knife and fork. Aim a little lower for tug on the bone and higher for FOTB. Learned all of this here and feel it is my duty to ensure it's understood.What is the risk of them being too dry and how do you avoid this?
^^^^^Same here Brett and the fam have grown to prefer wrapped. I run 300° and usually 4hrs or so for 195-203 IT and bite thru.I usually wrap. Got used to doing it when practicing for a couple of comps I did way back when. Was able to get really good results with the bite mark but not fall off the bone. I should go back and play around with some now without wrapping.