Finally was able to age my smoked cheese for one year, opened the 3 packs this week and virtually zero smoke flavour. Usually when opening the vacuum sealed pack I’ll get that nice smell of smoke, this time nothing. Taste test, I could barely taste any smoke. The cheese in question was a no name brand, cheddar, Monterrey Jack and one Havairty. Smoked 4 hours with pellet dust(Hickory) in a tube smoker. Cabinet temperature was 60F constant(PID). I did a batch yesterday and left 2 pieces in for 8 hours, unfortunately I won’t find out if doubling the smoke time will solve my long term storage issue. The cheese itself was fine, just minimal smoke flavour. Between my adult kids and grandkids any stash of smoked cheese I have never lasts a year so this is the first time I’ve been able to age cheese for 1 year. What happened to the smoke?