When the ability to avoid commercials is totally eliminated, that will be a good day. I can eliminate TV from my house and break that addiction. But until then, thats probably why Dish is still worth the money for me as long as IT remains viable, and that's in question. But the main value with Dish is the DVR for me.
So you are saying the entire pay for TV with money rather than your time is dying? The one thing with dish and some of the pay streamers that annoys me is paying a fee, THEN having to watch commercials![]()
Its my understanding, that ad supported TV is growing and growing fast. I don't do Netflix. But I read that their ad supported option is very popular.
I think maybe inflation cutting into budgets could be part of that.
But there's also the aspect that about everything I do on the internet is now by subscription. Its very much becoming pay-per-view.
I'm a Lifetime subscriber to this site.
I pay Amazing Ribs $30 per year.
I do YouTube Premium because it also includes YouTube Music. Getting both makes it cost efficient.
I'm a subscriber to Discovery + but I do the " with ads " version for $5 a month. Mrs Okie and I are working our way through the entire Triple D catalog and all of the BBQ Pitmasters are there. Along with some other decent bbq shows.
I have to do ESPN + for college football and baseball. Along with two OU Football news forums.
I pay a small sub fee for the local newspaper and $4 a month for the Wall Street Journal.
I had to sub to Amazon Prime on a 3 month deal to watch the NFL on Thursday nights.
And of course, I have YouTube TV.
There's probably a couple more that I'm forgetting about.
It adds up. Free TV with a few ads is looking really good to me. As I said above, the ads provide a break to go to the kitchen, bathroom , read an email or text message, let the dog out, etc.