To much smoke?

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Legendary Pitmaster
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Aug 1, 2018
North Texas, Texoma
Been trying for last two days to get tray to work in mailbox. Done all the microwave, raising tray and other stuff, even put a fan in front for mailbox holes. Just never had any luck with that damn thing. Put my buckboard bacon on this morning to cold smoke. Just going with tube as it always works. Problem is puts out to much smoke for MES40. Though about closing one of the 3 holes in mailbox lid but don't want to choke it down either. Guess just let it ride? Started at 3 this morn and was planning on smoking all day. These pic where taken together.

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I think the camera flash is making it look worse than it is. U bolt mod would help if you wanna back it down a little bit.
It seems to have mellowed out now. Doing LJ Hickory mixed with chips. Man I need to get some sleep. Been couple nights now wake up at midnight and can't go back to sleep.

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Camera flash does make it look worse than it probably is. And. I know the feeling. I get bouts of insomnia too.
Mine makes some smoke, too, from time to time, but I think as long as it's flowing well it doesn't hurt anything.
I usually don't go more than 6 or 7 hours, though. A couple of days airing in the fridge mellows it out a lot.
For many here, the tube does produce too much smoke, especially when cold smoking. Consider trying the AMNPS or better yet the AMNS which uses dust.

If though you are determined to stick with the tube, try filling it half way up. Turn it on it's side and shake it left to right firmly.
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I had some pretty thick smoke just running the tube when I did mine, too, but it didn't seem to hurt it any. I did open the lid every now and then to clear some of the smoke and let some fresh air in. As I said in my own thread, the temps kept trying to climb out of cold smoking range, so I was also opening it up to cool things off.
Condensation will show as white smoke . Hold your hand over the exhaust and see if you get any water droplets .
I use the tube , and get thick smoke . You can throw a slice of white bread in the box to check for color .
I have always had problems with pellets in the tube producing white smoke. I only use it for cold smoking though, and I now only use dust packed tight. I stand the tube up so the fire has to travel down....I get a very clean. hot burn with an ember 1/2 the size of piece of charcoal, very thin blue smoke. It'll burn 10-12 hours....
FYI, dust will work in the tube, but you gotta pack it in tight. I use a short piece of 3/8" rebar over a sheet pan to catch spill-over. Keep packing until full 3-4" of dust at a time....
A helped a friend with a tube smoker just like the one pictured post #4. He was getting too much white thick smoke using whole pellets. What we finally ended up doing was cut way back on the pellets and spread them out so we had a thin layer spread over the entire length of the tube. About 1/2” thick seemed to thin the smoke out. He would get about 4 hours of smoke.
I've been burning dust in modified tubes for a couple of years now. I get long burn rate and nice tbs.
A helped a friend with a tube smoker just like the one pictured post #4. He was getting too much white thick smoke using whole pellets. What we finally ended up doing was cut way back on the pellets and spread them out so we had a thin layer spread over the entire length of the tube. About 1/2” thick seemed to thin the smoke out. He would get about 4 hours of smoke.
I have done that but using chip and pellet mix its a little harder to do. I getting 4 hours and just put my third in. Going to call it after that.
I have always had problems with pellets in the tube producing white smoke. I only use it for cold smoking though, and I now only use dust packed tight. I stand the tube up so the fire has to travel down....I get a very clean. hot burn with an ember 1/2 the size of piece of charcoal, very thin blue smoke. It'll burn 10-12 hours....
I will have to try that. I normally have dust for cold smoke but was out and to much going on to get around to making some but I will try that tip. Thanks bud.
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