So, this is a fully cooked brisket. On your previous one, did you smoke it to fully tender, then went 12 more hours in the SV? What was the bark like?
Thanks for the follow-up. I was hoping you had positive results because this really opens the door for extending serving time. Bark is pretty resilient, for example I do a pressure finish on my pastrami and the bark recovers. Same with a wrapped finish, and for my Cajun rice and gravy, I finish a brisket in a Magna-Lite roaster.... and the bark recovers also. What do you think about putting a wrapped brisket in a sous vide bag? This wouldn't seem much different than holding a wrapped brisket in a hot box.Thanks everyone for the response;
Yes it is a fully cooked brisket, both smoked until probe tender. I actually for the idea from Chud’s BBQ on YouTube. I did a 14 hour as an experiment because I figured 24 hours was overkill. The flavor didn’t change and it was not mushy (surprisingly). A little bit of the rub came off, but it made a nice jus.
the reason I did the long SV holds was because my oven is unreliable and has high swings, and didn’t have a cooler.