Well I finally got around to making up the snow goose my brother shot for me last spring out in western ND. I ended up with 10 lbs of meat and instead of making my own seasoning (which I'm doing next time for sure) I just went to Gander Mountain and picked up three packages of LEM Hot Jerky seasoning/cure. This was the first time I have ever made jerky by grinding the meat using a jerky gun. I normally use my slicer but the snow goose breasts are so small that grinding was easier. Well one grind and a mix of the seasoning and a rest over night in the walk in cooler (aka the garage) I loaded up the jerky gun and went to work. I have a Nesco Dehydrator with six racks and it took three loads at around 4-5 hours a load so it was a full days work. I ended up with 12 zip lock bags full of jerky when it was all said and done. Here is the finished product. I though I took pictures of the grinding and jerky gunning but I guess not. Some of them I covered in black pepper and some with red pepper and some plain just to see what I liked better.