Usually a dry rub man, every now and then a piece of meat screams MARINADE! I infuse EVOO with fiery dried arbol chilies in this spicy
citrus recipe
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I like using Teriyaki, then taking them to around 138-140 IT.
Yeah, I like teriyaki too. Not too many people take pork off at such a low IT. I'M GLAD SOMEONE ELSE DOES IT TOO!:yahoo:
My wife just told me that she wanted pulled pork, so I guess I'll cook it a TAD longer then I had planned.
Exactly. If more people world learn this trick, no more dried out loin.
Rarely smoke tenderloins. Just don't feel they need it when a quick roll on a hot grill have them ready to eat. Loins are great on the smoker.I still have yet to smoke a pork loin or tenderloin but when I have roasted them I always pull it at 140 the highest. It's so juicy and tender that way.
X2 I prefer a vermouth, soy. butter, and splash of worsestershire, makes a kick @ss gravy.I like to marinade with an old red wine thats sitting around and a mix of ponzu and Worcester sauce. Wine does wonders on meat.
I agree... no need to smoke these guys
Rarely smoke tenderloins. Just don't feel they need it when a quick roll on a hot grill have them ready to eat. Loins are great on the smoker.