I stopped by my local auto shop to have my car serviced and showed the mechanic pictures of my new smoker. Fast forward three months. Now I am smoking food for him in exchange for wood. Not a bad deal if I say so myself.
. Hey blamac always nice to connect with other cannucks on this site. The only thing I hunt any more is upland game birds for food. I have another house at a lake about 100km north of Saskatoon and we have problems there with wolves and coyotes as well as beavers and racoons. I know lots of members might have issues with controlling populations of these animals but I hunt them on a regular basis. Used to hunt big game but not anymore. Now my son and son-in-law are getting into it so I will do what it takes to help them out. How about you. Sounds like you like to hunt. Not sure where Gibbons is.Are you a hunter wild west? Im a neighbour to the west of you.