This past winter, i learned a valuable lesson: hold onto a good smoker. A few years ago, my father-in-law gave me a classic Brinkman Pitmaster Deluxe that he found on the curb, apparently his neighbor didn't want it. That smoker was a solid, heavy duty model that i had repainted and just basically stored away. I was kind of taking a break from smoking at that time, and figured I would just sell it on craigs list for 120.00. About 2 months later, I was bit by the smoking bug. I began wondering why I had been so foolish. You simply can't go out and buy any thing of that quality at the local stores (with a few exceptions, WSM, etc..) for a reasonable cost. Finally, a silver smoker appeared on craig's list, that was in need of a little tlc. For about 20.00 in supplies, I again have a decent smoker. I now realize that I cannot stop there, I must now start stashing extra cash away for my dream smoker, Lang 48 or 60 Deluxe. I just have to rationalize the need for a pit that size.