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Hello Okie!
I can answer your question. A Fatty is something that was introduced to me by Fl Jeff (our illustrious Moderator). His directions are to take a one lb. chub (or several depending on your circumstance) of Jimmy Dean sausage. Remove it from the plastic wrap and put it into your smoker along with what ever else you're smoking (assume temp to be around 225*). At about an hour and a half, turn it once and smoke it for about another hour and a half. At that time it should be done. Bring it out, slice it and put the slices in hot biscuits. They're great! Also, if you're into sausage gravy, make some using the smoked sausage (fatty) and you will have another real taste treat.
okie, somewhere on these pages I have a recipe for sausage gravy right now I'm fighting a migraine and my CRS (Can't Remember Stuff) is working overtime.
Okay-if you check on page two of the "Smokin' Premade" thread here on the sausage forum you will find "DUTCHâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]S GOURMET COWBOY GRAVY". You can either use regular sausage and brown it in the fry pan or you can use a fattie that you have smoked.
Much better, thanks. Doc gave me a choice-take two of my migraine meds or come into the office and get a migrain shot in the base of the neck. No way was I going to drive 20+ miles in fog to get a shot-doubled the meds and went to bed. Still feel a bit wasted and I don't even drink! :roll: