Hey Rmiddle,
Welcome to SMF!!!
I understand your problem, I just started on insulin in March and having to be very careful about sugar I was pretty bummed about the list of foods I couldn't eat.
I found a natural sweetener called "Blue Agave", it's advertised as having a low glycemic index, works for me! I use it in everything, sauces, marinades, lemonade, anything that calls for sugar, I even bake bread and cookies with it. My morning GI is on the average 115mg (the DR said he'd be happy if I could reach 130mg) and 2 hours after eating my GI is in the 160mg range,
and the last time I measured I have lost 1" on my waistline, woo hoo!!!
Sounds like a commercial doesn't it, I'm not affiliated with them in any way, it just works for me and I paid around $4.50 for a 23.5 oz bottle so it should be cheaper for you in the States.
Here's the link for it;
And here's a link I use for what I can eat and the quantities I can eat (however I have found after training myself how to eat the quantities suggested are too much, so I will drop too a lower calorie count;
One last thing, fruits and juices that are pure can be used in moderation, the amounts we use in sauces compared to the quantity we actually consume will allow us to continue to use them.
I know it's too late for today, but this, some Agave and a few pineapple chunks would make a great sauce for your ham.
We have it in the Oriental section of the store, along with many other fruit flavors, if you can't find any PM me and I'll send you some.
Diabetes doesn't have to be the end of our good eating experiences if we follow the guide lines and exercise.
If you don't have a glycemie reader I highly suggest you invest in one, that way you can be sure as to how the concoctions you are making are affecting your sugar level.
I hope this helps and Happy Easter,