Prayers for My Wife Please...

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Epic Pitmaster
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Let me start by saying... F... Cancer!
(I know that F bomb won't fly, but I mean it with every ounce of heart and soul in me. I do not repent for it.)

Four months ago my wife got a cyst like pimple on her face, she and I didn't think much of it till it didn't heal after several weeks.
The soonest she could get a Dermatologist was day before yesterday.
And as soon as the dermatologist saw it she said "Well, that doesn't look good."
She did a biopsy and didn't like what she saw then in the raw tissue even more.
Told my wife that odds are it's cancerous, wait about a week for the biopsy to come back to find out if it's a BCC or SCC and if it is malignant to prepare to see a surgeon for removal.

Combine that atop the stress of the whole household just getting over Covid.

I pray my wife is as lucky as I was as it's being caught early, but damn did it grow fast.
I ask for y'alls prayers for my wife's diagnosis and prognosis.
Please and thank you.
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Prayers for your wife & family that the final outcome will be positive.

As a side note, have had three surgeries for the same issue with good results. The skin cancer battle is continuous been at it for 35 years.I visit the Demotoligist twice a year for a checkups. Helps reduce the problems.
I totally understand what you’re going through! My wife has been battling lung cancer since November!
Couple takeaways take it day by day and what helps myself is to not think about myself during this time. When I do the mind gets to wondering and makes for bad days!
Prayers sent and if I can help I and others are here 🙏
Let me start by saying... F... Cancer!
(I know that F bomb won't fly, but I mean it with every ounce of heart and soul in me. I do not repent for it.)

Four months ago my wife got a cyst like pimple on her face, she and I didn't think much of it till it didn't heal after several weeks.
The soonest she could get a Dermatologist was day before yesterday.
And as soon as the dermatologist saw it she said "Well, that doesn't look good."
She did a biopsy and didn't like what she saw then in the raw tissue even more.
Told my wife that odds are it's cancerous, wait about a week for the biopsy to come back to find out if it's a BCC SCC and how deep it is, and to prepare to see a surgeon.

Combine that atop the stress of the whole household just getting over Covid.

I pray my wife is as lucky as I was as it's being caught early, but damn did it grow fast.
I ask for y'alls prayers for my wife diagnosis and prognosis.
Please and thank you.
Prayers for a positive outcome. 🙏
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So sorry to hear this news. I hope your wife can get good treatment and beat this. Best wishes to you and your family.

JC :emoji_cat:
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Prayers to your wife 🙏.
A good friend has had same issues. He has had 5 spots cut out. Goes back in to have them checked, things have been good. Hardest thing is to be able to get in to see Dermatologist these day as it seems to be more and more of the skin cancers.
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I have had 7 bouts of BCC and SCC in the last 10 years. The first time I was told it was cancerous it scared me to death. Now it is almost routine. I see a dermatologist every 3 months. I am paying a price for my time in the sun. Early detection is the key. See your doctor frequently and everything will be fine.
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That's horrible news, i'm sorry to say that just about everyone has felt that feeling of helplessness with the diagnosis of cancer to someone they love. I agree F Cancer. Prays for a good outcome
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Prayers sent!
I’ve had two bouts of BCC/SCC, the price paid for way too much time in the sun while working on a ranch in my youth. I’ve been having yearly screenings done for years.

The good news is that BCC/SCC could almost be considered ‘cancer lite’ in that they don’t tend to spread. In-office Mohs surgery took care of both of my cases, (ear, nose) and since they remove a thin layer of skin, biopsy while you wait, then repeat until the biopsy comes back clean, you generally leave the office virtually certain that you are cancer-free.

My nose Mohs was so beautifully sewn up that after two months there was no trace of it ever happening…though it did take most of a year to get feeling back on that side of my nose

Assuming it goes so well for your wife, the fear she is feeling now will soon be replaced with a feeling of tremendous relief!
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Hoping for the best. I only allow myself to thank God, never ask for anything, but if you come back and tell us she's fine, I will surely send my thanks in to the ether!

My wife has had a few scares like this and has had small cancers removed. They scoop out a divot then the wound has to be taken care of diligently. My Dad too on his arms and legs from being in the sun unprotected for so long in his life.

On the face is tough, especially for a woman, they tend to be more concerned about appearance than men in those regards.

Seeing a lot of people getting "COVID" lately. I'll never forget back during the plandemic, a guy said his brother had been diagnosed with "COVID" and had to miss work/income for 10 days or whatever it was back then to "quarantine". He had his brother send him a pic of the test results and he was positive for the common cold COVID. His brother didn't know the difference. There are three COVIDs. The Flu, the common cold, and the novel COVID-19 virus or coronavirus. He pointed out to his brother that he didn't have COVID-19, he had a cold. The guy's job didn't care, the testing provider they used reported the guy had COVID so he was screwed. I suspect there has and is a lot of this happening. I've never been tested and wouldn't be even if I got sick (whats the point? Its basically the same treatment for all COVID, they just want stats), so I dont know if everyone gets a copy of their test results and if they do, do they actually read them and if they do that, do they even know how to read them? My wife and I never got sick still to this day as well as no jabs. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.