Fire Starter
I bought the previous model year for $299.00 on clearance (wheels are on the opposite end) in 2015 and the thermocouple immediately went out. I was able to light it manually but it was kind of a pain. I called and they shipped a new one that day and received it the next, no proof of purchase or anything else, blew me away, great customer service (even though it was 2 weeks before I actually changed it out). Since then I have done loads of ribs, briskets, shoulders and grilled constantly with it, burgers, fish and chicken mostly. The 500 degree direct flame does great for grilling. I use their competition blend pellets mixed with a little extra Apple and the smoke is great. It seems to be well constructed and holding up well. It's not a Traeger but I can buy another one at full price and still have about the same amount in it.