Java, man don't take me serious. I reread my post and it could come off "wrong", but I honestly joke 99% of the time. I meant no harm.
I'm used to guys bust'n my goodies about the pellet pooper, but as usual it is all in fun.
I haven't been on for a while and the new people don't know me well enough, my bad. Some time we'll meet in the chat room and you'll get to know me well enough.
I am glad to see more traegers on the forum.
I gotta get Marvin on chat and give him some hell. I haven't talked to that turd smoker for a long that why I've been in a better mood?
I'll catch up w/you guys/gals later.
Honestly, all in fun. Didn't mean to upset anyone.........although it was fun.
BTW, I quit wear'n panties in the summer. Easier to "breath", if you know what I mean.
And excuse us KS folks for our reading comprehension, we're not as good as CA people. (ok, that was 1%.......panty part incl.)