Why are the fireboxes in offset smokers always at half the height of the meat box? Is there any good reason, other than minimising the amount of baffle required to get the smoke to the meat?
After my cold smoking bacon (which was great eating!) the ambient temperature gets to 35 C during the day at 60 - 70 % humidity, So I think not too much more cold smoking this summer! So now I want to build a hot smoker. I want to build somthing reasonably compact, and as such have an idea to mount the firebox next to the meatbox but add an extra long smoke baffle between them.. Once I get sketchup installed I hope a sktech will follow of what I am thinking, but roughly a square box about 75 by 30 cm, 25 cm thick. (Thats about 2 1/2 by 1 by 1 feet in US) with removable legs so its easy to store.. Big enough to do a couple racks of ribs, or a brisket or a couple of chickens.
Can anyone visualise what I'm thinking??
After my cold smoking bacon (which was great eating!) the ambient temperature gets to 35 C during the day at 60 - 70 % humidity, So I think not too much more cold smoking this summer! So now I want to build a hot smoker. I want to build somthing reasonably compact, and as such have an idea to mount the firebox next to the meatbox but add an extra long smoke baffle between them.. Once I get sketchup installed I hope a sktech will follow of what I am thinking, but roughly a square box about 75 by 30 cm, 25 cm thick. (Thats about 2 1/2 by 1 by 1 feet in US) with removable legs so its easy to store.. Big enough to do a couple racks of ribs, or a brisket or a couple of chickens.
Can anyone visualise what I'm thinking??