Got a new Traeger for a present to myself and am trying thing out. Have done bacon, whole chicken and pork loin. Tonight I went into Pork Belly. I used Jeff's original rub from the recipe and set it for 200 degrees. I started temp at 225 as I was going to be away on errands and didn't want to find it was done before I got back. Whats nice with the Traeger, its wifi so I could watch the temp on the road. On my way back it was at 175 internal so I turned up the heat to 275 to finish it and get some crisp in it. I let it go until 205 adn then set it to rest for an hour. I am pretty happy with my work. Next up, I have a Pork Butt ready after butterflying it from Jeffs email. My wife wants pulled pork. Im really starting to like this way of cooking.