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Original poster
Mar 8, 2021
Got a new Traeger for a present to myself and am trying thing out. Have done bacon, whole chicken and pork loin. Tonight I went into Pork Belly. I used Jeff's original rub from the recipe and set it for 200 degrees. I started temp at 225 as I was going to be away on errands and didn't want to find it was done before I got back. Whats nice with the Traeger, its wifi so I could watch the temp on the road. On my way back it was at 175 internal so I turned up the heat to 275 to finish it and get some crisp in it. I let it go until 205 adn then set it to rest for an hour. I am pretty happy with my work. Next up, I have a Pork Butt ready after butterflying it from Jeffs email. My wife wants pulled pork. Im really starting to like this way of cooking.

OK, I forgot to add pics because I was so happy about smoking it I just forgot. I'll do better next time.
Here is my Pork Belly and my version of a BLT that I call a "BELT Sandwich" ( bacon, egg, Lettuce and tomato).
Technically I made a "BELTS " because I added spinach. I've been making BELT Sandwiches for years and this is a newer variation for me. I might have to call it a "PELT" Sandwich . Its sloppy when I don't cook the yolks but OH so, good. This was lunch yesterday and I have about 19 lunches left. LOL

Here is my Pork Butt. 13 hours and had to take it out at 186 because I had to get to bed. Its my best ever Pork Butt!!!!!
It's also my only Pork Butt so far but what the heck. I have ideas on how to improve but tastes great for a first one.
Butt looks great. I’ve always gone to 203 or so to pull ... but(t)have been tempted to pull earlier and slice. Yours may push me off the fence.
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