I installed my new chip tray Friday night so I would be ready to smoke on Saturday.I seasoned it and was ready to go. It made smoke at very low temp. Really didn't pay attention what the temp actually was, But my thermostat was set @ 140 for the first hour.And it was smoking in minutes. Actually caught chips on fire. I was wondering if any of you with a Mes soak your chips. I'm going to try soaking them sometime this weekend. I know a lot of people use the A-maze-n smoker, and don't need to worry about this issue, But I havn't got around to it yet I have a few other priorities yet I have to take care of.
If and when I use my MES chip drawer, I have not soaked chips for over a year.
Here is the way I see it:
If you have the bad chip burner, you need the retro fit.-----You did that.
Now if the chips are lighting up, instead of soaking them, check to see if the element is tight against the bottom of the chip drawer.
If it is, do a little manipulating of metal to get it apart a bit, but don't bend and break the element itself.
The problem with your first chip burner was an extra piece of metal between the element & the drawer, and too much distance from element to drawer bottom.
The problem with the one you have now is probably what I had----element tight against the bottom of the chip drawer causes it to get way too hot, causing chips to light up & disappear in a few minutes.
Then once I knew my MES worked fine, I went back to my AMNS miracles.
Now the only time I ever use my MES chip burner is if my AMNS runs out of dust, and I still want another hour of smoke.
If I want another 2 or more hours of smoke, I'll light up another AMNS.